Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I miss something in 'US'

I miss something in 'US' I miss something but I don't know what and how to express what I feel. I miss how we used to be. I miss something about us, about how we talk, about how we laugh, about how we keep each other.
And now, I'm alone in here. Try to be strong each day, try to be a better person for you, to you, and to us. I always believe in God's plan. I'm waiting.
But, each day I try, I don't feel your love to me and to us. I can't feel how you care to me like yesterday, how you talk to me, and everything's change.
I always try to believe there's nothing wrong with our relationship, I always keep in my head 'alone'. I don't let anybody know what I thinking and I don't want anyone to know how I'm feel.
I'm just had you in my life to tell all problems, but now I feel you so far away from me. Now I feel like I don't have anyone and anything.
One thing you should know, I always in love with you whatever happens. I always try to be better person for you. Someday, when the time has come I hope you read this .


Senior High School

Long time no posting anything in my lovely blog. I have much time, but I'm too lazy to write something in my blog.
Now, I'm a part of Tarsisius 1 Senior High School wahaha :D senior high school is so much fun but I can't forget my junior moment.
Just a little 'Hello' from me in this post.
I can't write latter when I'm in a good mood to write :)


Monday, June 13, 2011

If My Heart Was A House - Owl City

You're the sky that I fell through
And I remember the view
Whenever I'm holding you

The sun hung from a string
Looking down on the world
As it warms over everything

Chills run down my spine
As our fingers entwine
And your sighs harmonize with mine

I can still feel your heart beat fast
When you dance with me

We got older and I should've known
(Do you feel alive?)
That I feel colder when I walk alone
(Oh, but you'll survive)
So I may as well ditch my dismay
(Bombs away, bombs away)

Circle me and the needle
Moves gracefully back and forth
If my heart was a compass, you'd be north

Risk it all
'Cause I'll catch you if you fall wherever you go
If my heart was a house, you'd be home

It makes me smile because you said it best
I would clearly feel blessed
If the sun rose up from the west

Flower balm perfume
All my clothes smell like you
'Cause your favorite shade is navy blue

I walk slowly when I'm on my own
(Do you feel alive?)
Yeah, but frankly I still feel alone
(Oh, but you'll survive)
So I may as well ditch my dismay
(Bombs away, bombs away)

Circle me and the needle moves
Gracefully back and forth
If my heart was a compass, you'd be north

Risk it all
'Cause I'll catch you if you fall wherever you go
If my heart was a house, you'd be home

If my heart was a house, you'd be home

Saturday, June 11, 2011

6/6/11 A Night To Remember

The day to remembered for all 9 grades students in Ricci Junior High School. We laugh together, happy together, and last we also cry together. When the party already over, my teacher make all the students got a flashback from 2008 until 2011.
Friends, all we do over 3 years, no matter what, I always keep remind you all in my mind. Even though I'm not Ricci's student again, but I always remembered you all. I don't want to forget you as my bestfriend. I know we all have too many problems over 3 years, but I can't lie, I always remembered you all as my bestfriends, FOREVER. Thanks God to give me a good friend like them. Especially for Hong, Yovita, Bule, Angel, Iis. Love you so much, I'll miss you buddies :'D

Saturday, June 4, 2011


 Graduated! Ahhh feeling so great because I wanna leave my junior high school life! Perjuangan 3 taon ngga sia sia deh :D Welcome Senior High School life, hope will be a great life for me!
Nilai gue sih gak bagus yahh, nem malah ga bagus-,- cuma seengganya gue uda bersyukur deh uda dikasih LULUS! Seneng bangeet. Bakal kangen beraat sama masa-masa SMP rawr!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Junior High School already over

3 taon sekolah di SMP Katolik Ricci 1. Bener-bener sangat amat engga berasa. 3 taon serasa cuma ngejalaninnya setahun doang disekolah ini. Dari bulan April kemaren anak kelas 9 udah disibukin sama dengan yang namanya try out, ulangan umum, ujian praktek, UAS, dan UAN. Bener-bener pulang paling ga ngenakin. Semua numpuk dan otak ga berenti muter itu rasanya. mumeettt.
Eh tapi sekarang udah selesai semua sih penderitannya, tinggal nunggu tgl 4 Juni entar deh. Pengumuman hasil kelulusan meenn. Sebenernya selama nungguin tgl 4 Juni itu gue dan anak kelas 9 semua uda libur, paling dateng ke sekolah cuma buat ngurusin Farewell dan gladi resik segala macamnya itu. Bowriinnggg deyyhh. Mending tidur dirumah hihihi (saya tau saya curhat) tapi saya cuma berharap nanti tanggal 4 Juni semua siswa siswi SMP Katolik Ricci 1 lulus semua 100% !!! Amin Amin Amin

Sekarang gue mau curhatttttt neh! Ah rasanya berat sih ninggalin sekolah tercintahh ini (agak lebay) eh cuma tapi bener loohhh ada ga sih yang ga bilang masa masa SMP nya itu ga indah. Sebagian orang pasti bilang masa SMP itu masa-masa paling indah tapi SMA lebih indah lagi. Cuma emang gue akui masa SMP gue sangat amat berharga banget dan ga akan pernah gue lupain sampe kapanpun apalagi temen-temen yang paling gue cintahi. emwah. Di SMP banyak sekali kenangannya ya dari yang paling manis, manis, pait, paling pait, dan asem.... Cuma ya itudeh namanya juga SMP isinya semua remaja ababil pasti ya gitudeh ya tau sendiri.
SMA gue uda gak di Ricci lagi melainkan di Tarsisius 1, ah bakal kangen beratt sama ceman ceman yang sudah mewarnai hidupkuu selama 3 tahun ini. Will miss you guys! Will miss all my teacher and all my memories in Ricci :)

ini pas retret di Cinangneng

kls 9B yang gahoel gayanya

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Really. This holiday is so fucking bored. No money! Too many things I want to bought, but NO MONEY. Okey, I hate it so much. I'm just 15 years old girl but I want to find a job so I can have some money $.$ Whatever guys, if you think I'm mercenary. But, that's human. A-normal-human I mean. Every human need money and nobody's don't like money, am I wrong? My mother always said "You must be a mercenary people, because this world is totally going insane!" Yap, I'm really understand. So guys, my followers or people who blog walking, please tell me if you have a job to 15 years old girls. Don't forget I live in Jakarta.